Thursday, 27 August 2015

Nutritional facts of onion


In the rush to gather health information on the processed foods we eat, it can be easy to forget to check the nutritional facts of vegetables like the onion.
Onions are high in vitamin C, a good source of fiber, and with only 45 calories per serving, add abundant flavor to a wide variety of food. Onions are sodium, fat, and cholesterol free, and provide a number of other key nutrients.
Research has made the benefits of knowing the nutritional facts of vegetables clear: An active lifestyle combined with a high intake of fruits and vegetables have been associated with a variety of health.

Onion Nutrition Facts
Serving Size 1 cup (160g)
Percent Daily Values*
Total Carbohydrate
14.9 g
Total Fat
Dietary Fiber
2.7 g
6.8 g

4.9 g


Vitamin A
3.2 IU
Vitamin C
11.8 mg
Vitamin B6
0.2 mg
30.4 mcg

36.8 mg
.3 mg
16 mg
46.4 mg
234 mg
0.1 mg
0.2 mg
0.8 mcg
1.8 mcg


0.0 g

143 g

0.6 g

0.0 mg

Monday, 24 August 2015

Learn about candidiasis, it's treatment and cure.

The Facts on Candidiasis

Candidiasis, also called thrush or moniliasis, is a yeast infection. Candida albicans is an organism that normally makes a quiet home for itself on your skin and doesn't bother anyone. We all carry this organism on our skin, in our mouth, in our gastrointestinal tract (gut), and, in the case of women, in the vagina.
Occasionally the yeast multiplies uncontrollably, causing pain and inflammation. Candidiasis may affect the skin. This includes the external surface skin and the skin of the vagina, the penis, and the mouth. Candidiasis may also infect the blood stream or internal organs such as the liver or spleen. By far the most common problems are skin, mouth and vaginal infections. It also is a common cause of diaper rash. These can be bothersome infections, but are not life threatening.
Candidiasis can kill if it reaches the bloodstream or vital organs such as the heart, but this is rare even in people with damaged immune systems and is almost unheard of in healthy people. Nevertheless, candidiasis is a constant nuisance, and sometimes a serious threat to people with AIDS and some cancer patients who lack the immune resources to fight it.

Causes of Candidiasis

You don't catch candidiasis. The yeast is already there. A number of factors can increase the chance of the yeast growing out of control. The leading cause is overuse of antibiotics. Yeast must compete for the right to live on us with various other organisms, many of them bacteria. These bacteria, which live on the skin and in the intestine and vagina, among other places, are harmless but good at fighting off yeast. When we take antibiotics to deal with less friendly bacteria, we kill off these harmless ones as well. Yeast, which is unaffected by antibiotics, moves into the vacated spots once occupied by bacteria, and starts to grow and multiply.
Steroids and some cancer medications weaken the immune system and can allow yeast to flourish. Candida albicans infections of the mouth (known as oral thrush) most often develop in people with diseases such as cancer and AIDS. They can also develop in people with diabetes or in people who have long-term irritation resulting from dentures. Taking birth control pills increases your chances of getting vaginal candidiasis. Hot weather and tight clothing are also risk factors, as they create the ideal environment for candida.
Other conditions that tend to encourage yeast include obesity and pregnancy. Yeast generally infects intertriginous areas, that is, areas where skin contacts skin. Overweight people have more folds in their skin. They also sweat more, and Candida albicans is fond of moist skin. Pregnancy causes temporary obesity and may weaken the immune system, increasing the risk of yeast infections.

Experts disagree on the question of sexual transmission. Some research has suggested that it's very unlikely for an infected woman to give a man candidiasis. On the other hand, it's not unlikely that a man could give candidiasis back to his partner once he has it. Recent research has actually found Candida albicans in the sperm of men whose partners suffered from recurrent yeast infections. You should be aware of this possibility if a yeast infection keeps coming back.

Symptoms and Complications of Candidiasis

A candida infection of the skin appears as a clearly defined patch of red, itchy skin, often leaking fluid. Scabs and pustules may be seen around the edge of the rash. It will usually be found in areas such as the groin, the folds of the buttocks, between the breasts, toes, or fingers, and in the navel.
A vaginal yeast infection may well result in a slow leakage of a thick, white, cheese-like substance. The vagina may itch or burn, especially during urination or sex. Pain or discomfort during intercourse is common.
Candidal paronychia is candidiasis of the fingernails. It often strikes people whose hands are in water a lot. Sometimes it presents as a painful, red, swollen area around the fingernail. In worse cases, the fingernail may separate, revealing a discoloured white or yellow nail bed.
Oral thrush causes curd-like white patches inside the mouth, on the tongue and palate and around the lips. It may also cause cracked, red, moist areas of skin at the corners of the mouth. Thrush patches may or may not be painful.
Yeast infections of the penis are rare but may cause the tip to be red, swollen, and painful.

Diagnosing Candidiasis

To make a diagnosis your doctor will ask about your diet and recent use of antibiotics or medications that can weaken the immune system. The doctor will also take into consideration any history of diabetes, cancer, HIV, or other chronic diseases.
Candidiasis is easy to identify. The yeast can be seen under the microscope after being scraped off the affected area. However, since yeast is normally there anyway, your doctor will want to be sure that it's candida causing the problem and not something else. The appearance of the rash may be enough.

Treating and Preventing Candidiasis

Candidiasis isn't normally a dangerous disease except in rare cases when it enters the blood and spreads to vital organs of people with weakened immune systems.
For infection of the skin, your doctor can give you an antifungal cream or powder or prescribe you an antifungal pill. For vaginal yeast infections, treatment consists of antifungal medications that are administered directly into the vagina as tablets, creams, ointments, or suppositories, or administered by mouth (e.g., fluconazole*). For oral thrush, a suspension of antifungal medication can be swished in the mouth and swallowed, or sometimes the doctor will have you dissolve an antifungal lozenge in the mouth.
For severe cases, antifungal medication taken by mouth for several days may be needed. Speak with your pharmacist - you can buy many of the creams and powder products intended for minor infections without a prescription.

Here are some hygiene tips to help prevent vaginal candidiasis:
  • wipe from front to back after going to the toilet - the rectal area is full of yeast
  • take baths not showers - sitting in the bath can clear yeast from the vaginal area
  • dry yourself thoroughly afterwards, especially the pubic hair - use a hair dryer on low setting if you have to
  • don't use soap around the vagina - soap kills the bacteria you want to keep, and has no effect on yeast
  • sterilize or throw away underwear that you wore during your last infection - the washing machine isn't hot enough, you must boil them if you want to keep them. You must also replace any diaphragms or caps.
  • avoid chemicals like deodorant tampons and especially vaginal douches, which serve no purpose and may cause infection
These sensible precautions may also help prevent candidiasis:
  • wear loose cotton underwear
  • avoid pantyhose and tight pants
  • eat live yogurt, especially if you have been prescribed antibiotics or have other factors which increase your risk for yeast infections - pasteurized yogurt isn't effective. Some health food stores carry lactobacillus acidophiluspills which may help to keep yeast in check
  • cut down on sugar and alcohol (yeast's favourite foods)
  • consider changing "the pill" - if you've had recurring infections, talk to your doctor about changing your birth control pill and see if it helps
  • make sure your partner is not infected - there's no point curing candidiasis if you're going to be re-infected
  • don't ask for antibiotics if you've got a cold or the flu - the flu is caused by viruses, so taking antibiotics won't help and they might provoke candidiasis

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Health benefit of Cacumber

BackgroundBecause cucumbers are mostly water, they are low in calories -- even a large cucumber contains less than 100 calories -- but they still come loaded with nutritional value. Eaten either fresh or as a pickle, cucumbers have numerous health benefits, even though they may not be full of flavor. Add them to salads or slice them in spears to eat alone or with a low-fat dip.

Cucumbers are believed to have originated in southern Asia and India more than 10,000 years ago. The many varieties of cucumbers are all part of the Cucurbitaceae family, along with watermelons, zucchini and squash, which are often considered fruits, based on how they are prepared or eaten. Currently, Florida produces more cucumbers than anywhere else in the United States, notes the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Natural Hydration

Cucumbers are made up of 96 percent water, notes Because more than half of the body is made up of water, it is essential for normal functioning of the different systems of the body. A lack of water can lead to dehydration, which can cause fatigue, chills and muscle cramps. Water is crucial for saliva formation and cooling the body through perspiration.

Vitamin C

Cucumbers are loaded with vitamin C. This vitamin serves as one of the many antioxidants that protect the body from free radicals, lowering the risk of various cancers and illness due to damaged cells. Vitamin C has many important functions such as aiding in collagen production and brain function, and it also helps your body process fat.

Friday, 14 August 2015

How to stop constipation(part three of three)

Method Three of Three:
Making Long-Term Lifestyle Changes

  1. Relieve Constipation Quickly and Naturally Step 14 Version 3.jpg
    Incorporate yogurt into your daily diet. Yogurt contains live bacterial cultures (probiotics) that create the right environment for your digestive system to stay healthy and run on a regular schedule. Try adding a cup of yogurt to your daily diet.[53]
    • The bacteria in yogurt are thought to alter the microflora in the gut. This reduces the amount of time it takes for your food to be digested and move through your system.
    • Check the label to make sure the yogurt you buy has “active cultures” of live bacteria. Without live cultures the yogurt will not have the same effect.
    • Other fermented and cultured foods such as kombucha, kimchi and sauerkraut also contain beneficial bacteria that may aid in digestion and relieve constipation.[54]
  2. Relieve Constipation Quickly and Naturally Step 15 Version 3.jpg
    Avoid processed foods. Processed and “fast” foods can contribute to chronic constipation. These foods are often high in fat and low in fiber and do not offer much nutrition. Foods to stay away from include:[55]
    • Processed or “enriched” grains. White bread, pastries, many pastas, and breakfast cereals often include flour that has been stripped of much of its fiber and nutritional value. Look for whole grains instead.
    • Junk foods. Foods with a high level of fat and sugar can cause constipation. Your body will try to get its calories from fat first, which will slow digestion.[56]
    • Sausage, red meat, and luncheon meats often contain a high level of fat and salt. Look for lean meats such as fish, chicken, and turkey.
    • Potato chips, french fries, and similar foods do not offer much nutrition and have very little fiber. Go for roasted or baked sweet potato “fries” or air-popped popcorn instead.
  3. Relieve Constipation Quickly and Naturally Step 16 Version 3.jpg
    Get more exercise. A lack of exercise may cause weakness in your intestines, making it hard to pass waste regularly. Sedentary lifestyles can affect digestion and cause constipation.[57] Get moderate exercise at least 3-4 times a week.[58]
    • Walking, swimming, jogging, and yoga are all great options. Even 10-15 minutes of exercise a day can help your body stay regular.
  4. Relieve Constipation Quickly and Naturally Step 17 Version 3.jpg
    Don’t ignore your body’s rhythms. Your body will tell you when it is ready to have a bowel movement.[59] There is a wide range of what is considered “normal” for bowel movement frequency. Many people average 1-2 bowel movements per day, but others may go only 3 times a week. As long as your body feels comfortable, there’s no need to worry about how often you have a bowel movement.[60]
    • Constipation can be caused or aggravated by not having a bowel movement when you feel the need to. If you frequently delay your bowel movements, you could cause your body to stop sending the signal to go. Delaying a bowel movement will also make it more difficult to pass later.[61][62]
  5. Relieve Constipation Quickly and Naturally Step 18 Version 3.jpg
    Avoid becoming reliant on laxatives. Overusing laxatives, especially stimulant laxatives, can cause your body to become dependent on them. Do not use laxatives every day. If you have chronic constipation, consult your physician for alternative treatments.[63]
    • Laxatives containing polyethylene glycol are usually safer for long-term use than other types.[64][65]

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

How to stop constipation (part two of three)

Method Two of Three:

  1. Relieve Constipation Quickly and Naturally Step 8 Version 3.jpg
    Get some exercise. If you can, try taking hourly walk-breaks to "massage" your bowels.[35]
    • Start out walking slowly for about 30 seconds. Gradually pick up the pace until you are walking as fast as you can without breaking into a run.
    • Do the fast walk for about 5 minutes. Then, slow down for another 5 minutes. The total time spent walking should be about 10 minutes every hour or so.[36]
    • If that amount of time doesn’t work for you because of other responsibilities, don’t worry. Just try to increase the amount of faster-than-normal walking you do whenever possible.
    • If you are severely constipated, this may be somewhat uncomfortable, but try not to get discouraged. It's better than another day of constipation.
  2. Relieve Constipation Quickly and Naturally Step 9 Version 3.jpg
    Try a different position. Aboriginal people tend to have bowel movements while squatting, and this position can be helpful.[37] When you are on the toilet, use a stool or the edge of the bathtub to prop your feet up.[38]
    • You want to bring your knees in as close to your chest as possible. This increases the pressure on your bowels and may ease the passage of a stool.
  3. Relieve Constipation Quickly and Naturally Step 10 Version 3.jpg
    Try yoga. There are several yoga poses you can try to help stimulate your bowel and get your body in a comfortable position to have a bowel movement. They can increase the internal pressure on your intestines and help the bowels move the stool more easily.[39]Among these are the following:
    • Baddha Konasana: In a seated position, bend your knees and bring your feet together so the soles are touching, and grasp your toes with your hands. Flutter your legs quickly, then lean forward so that your forehead touches the floor. Hold for 5 to 10 breaths.
    • Pavanamuktasana: In a reclined position, stretch your legs out in front of you. Bring one knee up to your chest, and hold it there with your hands. Pick one leg and pull your knee against your chest and flex or wiggle your toes. Hold that position for 5 to 10 breaths, then repeat with the other leg.
    • Uttanasana: From a standing position, keep your legs straight and bend at the waist. Touch the mat with your hands or grasp the back of your legs. Hold for 5 to 10 breaths.
  4. Relieve Constipation Quickly and Naturally Step 11 Version 3.jpg
    Take mineral oil. Liquid mineral oil will coat your stool with an oily, waterproof film. This will help the stool retain moisture and move smoothly through your colon.[40] You can find mineral oil at most pharmacies and drug stores. Usually, it is combined with liquid, such as milk, juice, or water, to consume it.[41]
    • Do not take mineral oil without first consulting a doctor if you have any of the following conditions: food or medication allergies, pregnancy, heart failure, appendicitis, trouble swallowing, stomach pain, nausea or vomiting, rectal bleeding, or kidney problems.[42]
    • Do not take other laxatives or stool softeners at the same time as mineral oil unless instructed by your doctor.
    • Do not give mineral oil to children younger than 6.
    • Do not take mineral oil regularly. Regular use can cause dependency on its laxative effect. It can also keep your body from absorbing enough vitamins A, D, E, and K.[43]
    • Do not take more than the recommended dosage of mineral oil. Overdose can cause severe side effects, including abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. If you have taken more than the recommended dose, seek emergency medical assistance.[44]
  5. Relieve Constipation Quickly and Naturally Step 12 Version 3.jpg
    Try purgative herbs. For rare or severe constipation, there are stronger herbs that can help relieve constipation. They are usually not safe for prolonged consumption and should be considered a last resort after other treatments have not worked. Common herbal treatments include:[45]
    • Sennosides are stimulant laxatives. They hydrate your intestines to help your bowel movements move smoothly. Natural senna laxatives can take 6-12 hours to work. They usually come in oral suspensions and tablets.[46]
    • Talk with your doctor before using senna if you've recently had surgery, you already take laxatives every day, or you have any preexisting conditions involving your digestive system.[47]
    • European buckthorn is sometimes used to treat constipation. It is only recommended for short-term use (less than 8-10 days). It can cause side effects such as cramps, diarrhea, muscle weakness, and heart problems. It should not be used if you are pregnant, breast-feeding, or under 12 years old.[48]
    • Do not take European buckthorn if you have stomach pain or intestinal problems, such as appendicitis, Crohn’s disease IBS, or ulcerative colitis.
  6. Relieve Constipation Quickly and Naturally Step 13 Version 3.jpg
    Consult a doctor. If you have chronic constipation, you may need more effective treatment than what you can achieve with at-home remedies. For example, your doctor can prescribe medications and laxatives that are stronger than those you can purchase over-the-counter. You should see your doctor if you have not had a bowel movement in more than 3 days.[49]
    • If you have been mildly constipated for more than three weeks, see a doctor. You should also see a doctor if you see blood in your stools, you have stomach pain, or you are losing weight.[50][51]
    • Your doctor may prescribe hypersmolar laxatives that soften stools. The most common of these laxatives are lactulose (Kristalose), sorbitol, and polyethylene glycol (MiraLax).[52]

Here’s The Best Way To Eliminate Garlic Breath

Everyone knows that in addition to being delicious garlic is perfect for keeping away vampires because they can’t abide bad breath. B...